For the most part it's been the same kind of motifs - no money, learning to trust God, He's always faithful and never one fails to come through - etc etc. I finally started getting enough shifts at work when my rent increased again so I guess I'm not done with the trusting God lesson yet...! But a couple of big developments in that area at least are that I got a second job - yaaay - and I start there this Saturday. It's at a kids' clothing chain called Cotton On Kids and at least for the moment it's just for the Christmas period but there's a possibility it will be extended. Could always do with some more shifts especially when at my first job (in the schools) one of the schools is finishing for the summer (yes. I mean summer.... down under) so that's even less shifts...! But at least for this week when I get paid I know I'll be good, for a change! And next year there will be a new centre so another school to work at, which means there'll be more shifts available. The centre is nearer to me too... although further from my new job so there's positives and negatives. :-P
Development number 2 is I'm in cheaper accommodation! yaaay! I moved like 3 days ago when we sold our fridge, otherwise I'd probably still be sitting on the fence of 'I want to move, everyone else has already left' and 'I don't want to move, I like it here, this is my home.' But hey, now all my stuff is here (mostly) including all my food so that it didn't all rot so I figured if I wanted to eat I'd have to move. Which was probably a good thing. So. You wanna see my new home?
I'm living with people who a pretty well settled so it's pretty darned cool. And my roommate put up a Christmas tree this morning too yaaay!
Pretty cute right? Quite a few of the girls have been around for a while so they have heaps of stuff.
Also... that shoe? Yes, it was my shoe. It's now a toy. You'll see as you scroll down...
So it's not 100% college students so don't freak out about the wine bottles (no I'm not allowed to drink while I'm enrolled in College... smelling wine for the first time in about a year was definitely strange but I resisted!)
Just so's you could see the balcony and a couple of the other Christmas decorations. I don't think you can see it but there's a Father Christmas on the balcony :-P

Oh... and we're dogsitting. Look!! This is... err... we didn't name him, OK? I'm calling him Mite... but his, err, full name... is Dynamite Bieber. Anyway he's very cute and hilarious and definitely a character!! He's still a puppy, only a few months old... hence my old shoe being a hilarious toy. He needs some more toys really :-( I'm still trying to think of a few more things that would be very amusing for a small puppy.... hmmm... I'm not quite sure how long we have him for, and he's kind of jumping back and forth between us and his actual home a few stories up.
I just had to get him out of the bin.... *sigh*. It is good fun having a puppy in the house though. I wish I could just tell the kids to sit and stay sometimes and they'd listen...!
The kids are all awesome though. Last night we had an anointing service where all of the adults were prayed for and anointed with oil - and we got to do exactly the same thing with the 40 kids who were in our service. It was pretty crazy having 40 kids in the service especially when most of our team was away but it was amazing to pray over the kids. And then I got to do exactly the same thing with the adults in the next service as a connect group leader!
Connect group - these are Church's small groups where we try to get people who come to Church connected to others, because it's so easy in a big Church to not get to know anyone. And coming to Church when you don't really no anyone sucks. It's also where we talk together about God, the Bible - so it's where the discipleship happens. I officially started my connect group a while back; it's taking a while to get its feet of the ground but it's going to get there and I have a few girls to follow up so I'm hopeful that this week will be the week!!
So. I have to start getting myself ready for work in a bit I reckon... of to the kids in Rose Bay :-) It's pretty fun up there. The centre's really growing and the kids are a lot of run. On Friday I ended up playing some kind of game involving either chasing them around the field trying to eat their brains or being chased because I was a skeleton/zombie/vampire who needed destroying... there were a few levels, I couldn't really follow it. I just did what I was told. It was fun anyway, though my legs were killing me by the end of it...! Anyway. Looking forward to seeing what happens tonight. I've taught half the kids Go Fish too, and that's always a lot of fun.
And on Saturday I start job number 2. New job, new house, next year a new ministry age group... I'm excited to see how God is going to continue the transformation He's done in me this year... He can do so much in just a year. This is just the start. A new season is beginning :-)
Thank You!
ReplyDeleteHope all goes well with youur new room-mates. Where's your previous room-mates from 10/13 all gone? Hope Cotton On Kids goes OK on Sat.too!