Now, anyone with any knowledge of the Family Trust from back home, especially their summer camp, Chequer Tree, will be immediately confused by the reference to 'Powerhouse'. Powerhouse is the young adult's group here at Hillsong; I went to their summer retreat last week... and it was pretty much an adult's Chequer Tree.
My 'honourary' tribe (Stomp)'s presentation. We came last. |
So they have these groups called 'tribes'; technically everyone should be a part of a tribe, but I hadn't been to Powerhouse before and I'm not in a connect group yet which is how you get put in a tribe. Fair enough, that's pretty cool. But the tribes were CRAZY. They have tribal wars, tribe cheers to earn points (though every day they started giving out points in such high proportions compared to the previous day that the only points that really mattered were the last day's) - all in all, exactly the way the teams worked at Chequer Tree. Except this time the point wasn't to encourage the kids, it was just to join in. I felt like I was 11 again, which was rather surreal. Anyway, most of the people I was with just hung out on the steps, where it was about 10 times colder anyway! But it was an amazing long weekend, the teaching was incredible and I feel like I've worked out where I want to be by this time next year. Also, I got to know a few of the new songs better!! It's crazy, I'm going to Church about 6 times a week!
Soo what else. Well, I finally have some photos of my apartment to post!! Have a look, it's actually pretty well furnished now :-)
Our balcony |
I'm quite happy with our little home now :-) This is going to a bit of a photo heavy blog though, so I apologise for any over-slow load times!!
The living room (+ Mallory!) |
Proof that I cooked dinner! |
My cupboard, now complete with food! |
My litte corner of memories and books and keepsakes :-) |
The kitchen |
My half of our bedroom |
The view from our balcony. Trees! |
WE HAVE A FRIDGE NOW! (I couldn't manage to rotate the photo though :-S) |
In other news, it was the first day of College yesterday! Our first two weeks are intensives, so we're doing a subject basically this week, and then finishing it off on Tuesday (I think) when we're going to Hills campus (which is a bit further into Sydney, we have to get a bus) and we have a kind of 'visiting' lecturer who's also a really cool preacher, Robert Ferguson - he was at retreat too. So today we had lectures on Communication in Ministry, and also Chapel (which is basically just regular Church, for College students, twice a week), from 9:45 til 5, which wasn't as long as it could have been (and definitely won't be as long as Tuesday this week - bus leaves City Campus [mine] at 7:45am and leaves Hills at 10pm - though at least we have the next day off!). We were taught by the principal too(!) - she's so big on punctuality, so I'm going to have to be careful!
That leaves only the busking to explain! Well, me and Roxie had a bit of a jam the other night - she plays guitar - and she already has a busking license. They only cost $12 so we both thought it was an awesome idea to go busking together! So I'm off now to get my busking license and we're going to see how it goes - I'll keep you updated!!
Good to "see" some your new home for this year, and to know that you're starting to settle in OK .. but I wonder if Sydney really knows what they've now let themselves in for ..... Busking??!
ReplyDeleteTho I guess paying for the license after just one session rather undermines my closing tongue-in-cheek remark :)